Pacific Conservation Database
Promoting Pacific Islands Nature Based Solutions (PPIN)
PIRT Member organisations
International Union for the Conservation of Nature - Oceania Regional Office (IUCN-ORO), Pacific Community (SPC), Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme (SPREP), OceanEarth Foundation
Other partner organisations
Global Green Growth Institute (GGGI)
Countries of implementation
Fiji, Tonga, Vanuatu
(PPIN) project supports the development of policy and legislation for Nature-based Solutions (NbS), build awareness and capacity, and strengthen regional cooperation amongst PICTS on NbS. This project will be a key component of New Zealand’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade (MFAT) “Resilient Ecosystems for Climate Change Adaptation” (RECCA) Activity.
The project builds regional awareness and capacity for NbS and embed NbS into regional and national policy and regulatory frameworks for key sectors in the anticipated demonstration countries of Fiji, Tonga, and Vanuatu. NbS will integrated into existing regional platforms like the Pacific Resilience Partnership and the Pacific Roundtable for Nature Conservation through NbS technical working groups to advise members. Regional and national awareness and capacity in relation to NbS will be strengthened through targeted capacity building programmes for those designing and implementing NbS.
At least four Communities of Practice, based on important economic sectors or topics (e.g. infrastructure development, water management, tourism, aquaculture, hybrid seawalls, etc), will be established to support peer-to-peer and continued learning. The proposed project will also build economic and policy positions for strengthening the case for NbS in the region and in the target countries across sectors, as well as develop a sustainable financing strategy for scaling of NbS across the region. The PPIN project recognises the importance of integrating gender, equity and social inclusion into NbS policy at all levels to support better outcomes for vulnerable and disadvantaged groups. Indigenous knowledge and practices in the Pacific can be keys to unlocking NbS and will be appropriately recognised, respected, and included in the PPIN project.
Framework Action Tracks
05 – Nature-based Solutions (NbS) to sustain our social-ecological systems, 14 – Ecosystem-based approaches to climate change, pandemic and disaster response, 03 – Sustainable and resilient ocean economies, 04 – Sustainable and resilient island economies, 19 – Science and traditional knowledge for target-setting and monitoring, 20 – Governance that works for nature conservation